Friday, October 10, 2008

~ Come On ~

just finished editing the assignment and sent it to Eric already...Hopefully this time really could have no more problems...
today i had dinner with HER ... lolz... although we didn't chat much but then i was satisfied with it already... at least i sms her and she still willing to reply my sms and asked me go and take dinner with her friends together... don't expect too much ya TzeXun ! ^^
30++ days to go ! my 1st paper on 12 Nov... Come on ! fully utilize your time , if you don't fight for a better grade then your 3rd year's dream will still remain as an unfulfilled dream..
okla..gonna do my tutorials already...
bye !

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


just a few very simple words but that were killing my study mood ~ Sometime I really couldn't do what i was promised ~ said that I want to enjoy it but so easily get affected ~ should be in a relaxing mood to enjoy it but how come i'm so easily breaking the promise just because of few words written by you ~ i'm not sure if you were telling the truth or just joking over there but to me , it did affect me , at least causing me to get emo for 30mins ~i should control myself at least make myself partially immune to you ~
this is what i could do now. no no ! should say the only thing i can TRY to do now.


nothing much to say here....
just want to say...
YOU're so cute !
[YOU know who you're but i'm sure that you won't know this post]

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stress @_@

Stress !
1st time in my life feels so stressful !
I miss you all , my friends in hometown !
5 more weeks to go ! Go ! Go ! Go !

Friday, October 3, 2008


排一下自己最易哭的原因! (1是最容易 , 5是最不容易)
a. 感動
c. ( 是肉體, 不是心靈)



感動:不是跟你很熟的人覺得你是 .......
排在第 1 - 一個常常把自己藏起來的人。很有神秘感。不容易接近。
排在第2 - 一個很會關心別人的人。很容易發現身邊有人不開心。不會很容易講錯東西或話題。
排在第 3 - 一個傻傻的人。怪怪的。想做什麼就做什麼。不過很可愛。
排在第4 - 一個不會想﹐老是要人擔心的人。 (特別是長輩)
排在第5 - 一個很聰明﹐很負責任的領導人。對你很尊敬。

傷心:跟你很熟的人覺得你是 .......
排在第 1 - 對很多事都要求很高的人。不過有很多時候都太固執。
排在第2 - 可以跟你講道理。黑白之間分辨得很清楚。
排在第3 - 心思很細膩的人。很多時候傷心不會表現出來,不過其實大家都看得出來。
排在第4 - 會先想很多才會做選擇。不想自己給人看扁,自尊可以算是很強的人。
排在第5 - 外剛內柔的人。但其實知道你的內心不是那麼堅強。

痛:你想要別人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 很需要別人保護的人。
排在第 2 - 不是那麼容易接近的人。
排在第3 - 好人一個。很關心身邊的人。不怕做犧牲的人。
排在第4 - 很聰明 , 不過又不會驕傲的人。
排在第 5 - 很清楚自己想什麼要什麼的人。

排在第1 - 跟你很合拍。你跟他想的東西是一樣 , 不用問便知道對方要什麼。
排在第2 -不會很客易發脾氣。要懂得容忍你。外剛內柔。有自己的性格。
排在第 3 - 內心是很可愛的一個人。你猜不到下一步他會做什麼。
排在第4 -很細心。你需要什麼他都有準備。不會因為很少的東西便找你。
排在第 5 - 智慧很重要。可以管得到你的人。而且要講道理。

擔心 / 緊張:其實真實的你是 ......
排在第 1 - 一個很怕給別人看到自己是什麼樣的人。不喜歡自己性格的人。
排在第 2 -孤獨的人。很希望可以跟一大堆人在一起。不過很多時候都不知道怎樣跟別人溝通。
排在第 3 -覺得朋友比天還重要的人。很珍惜身邊很多朋友。敢愛敢恨。不過不喜歡的人你就不會去管..
排在第4 -直接的人。很多時候因為這樣的性格跟別人不合。希望有多一點人可以了解你, 特別是你喜歡的人。
排在第5 -不是很清楚自己將來要什麼。不過就很幸運的走過半生。不會對很多東西有要求。最重要是可以開心過每一天 !

2nd post in Chinese since nothing to do before going to bed !